Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.





On source site

The steps on the source site should be carried out at the same point of time as when the Atlassian export/backup is done, to ensure the Atlassian backup and the Snapshots backup are consistent with each other.


The tab: Backup or Export

Select the space or spaces you need to migrate, and generate a snapshots export file

A json file is generated. We’ll call this the snapshots export.

It contains metadata that snapshots needs for the restoration of data on the target site.
Keep You will need to use this file for when the data is restored on the target site.


The tab: Export Jira Metadata

Download here a file with the Jira metadata required for snapshots.

This step is only needed in the scenario where Jira is also moving to another site then the current one. If your Jira is not migrated, you can skip this step.

Download here a file with the Jira metadata required for snapshots.

A json file is generated. We’ll call it the snapshots Jira metadata export.
It contains metadata about the Jira site that the source Confluence is connected to, and about the custom fields that are used as columns in your snapshots.

Keep this file for when the snapshots data is restored on the target site.


Using Atlassian native tools to migrate to the new site

Use Atlassian tools to transfer Confluence spaces and Jira projects to the target site.


On target site


Install the Snapshots App and setup connectivity with Jira


If using the Traceability extension for Jira Snapshots:

Install the Traceability extension for Jira Snapshots and setup connectivity with Xray

Once you complete the installation of the App(s), pages with Snapshot tables display the Snapshot table.
However not all features will work correctly. For example, the DIFF feature in Snapshot will not work and the historical versions will not display correctly.


If using the Traceability extension for Jira Snapshots:

Install the Traceability extension for Jira Snapshots and setup connectivity with Xray


Prepare the Jira metadata export (json file) for the migration

If Jira moved to a new site, prepare the Jira metadata export file for the migration. This file was generated on the source Confluence site in previous steps, and it needs to be augmented with data about the custom fields in the target Jira.

  1. Open the file and review the list of custom fields that are used by snapshots.

  2. Each customfield entry in the json file has this element

    1. Code Block
  3. For each custom field in the json file:

    1. Find the equivalent custom

    1. field in your new Jira site.

    For each custom field:
    1. If the custom field id on the new Jira is identical to the one on the old Jira: you can leave the field “newJiraId” in the json file empty (or complete with the same id)

    2. If the custom field id on the new Jira is different from the one on the old Jira: complete the field “newJiraId” accordingly.

  4. You do not need to update any other field or element in the json.

In this example, two custom fields are appearing in Snapshots:

  1. The custom field “Approvers” retained its id, so the newJiraId field is left empty.

  2. The custom field “Comments_Automation” has a new id in the new Jira. That id was added manually by the administrator who carries out the migration.

Code Block
  "fromJiraHost": "",
  "fromJiraCloudId": "a7ceb685-a4a1-4795-b2e0-5d6a24caba98",
  "customFieldsMapping": {
    "customfield_10003": {
      "oldJiraId": "customfield_10003",
      "oldJiraName": "Approvers",
      "newJiraId": ""
    "customfield_10076": {
      "oldJiraId": "customfield_10076",
      "oldJiraName": "Comments Automation",
      "newJiraId": "customfield_10106"

The tab: Restore or Import
Upload the snapshots export file (generated on the source site by Snapshots)

This file is not modified manually. It is uploaded exactly as it was downloaded.
After this step some Snapshots feature will be recoveredrestored:

  1. The DIFF feature will show the complete history of the Snapshots.

  2. When reviewing historical versions of the page, the correct snapshot data is shown.

If Jira data did not move to a new site, the snapshots should be fully working now. If Jira moved to a new URL, you’ll need to proceed to the next steps.


The tab: Import Jira Metadata
Follow this step only if Jira data moved to a new site.

Use the modified Jira metadata export (json file) you prepared in earlier steps. Upload here and trigger the process.

After this step, snapshots should be fully functional:

  1. New snapshots can be triggered (from snapshots that were migrated).

  2. Custom fields columns show their correct headers and values. If the custom field changed name- it will show the name on the new site.
