How to Configure a Multi-Level Jira Snapshots Macro

How to Configure a Multi-Level Jira Snapshots Macro

What are Multi-Levels Snapshots?

By default, each Jira snapshot report includes a “Level 1.” This is a list of Jira issues retrieved using a JQL clause.

Sometimes you’ll need to include other issues, which are dependent or related to the issues in Level 1. These will be retrieved by adding a Level 2 to the report.

Examples of Level 1 - Level 2 issues:

Jira Snapshots supports additional levels; you could go as far as three or four levels, if needed.

Jira Snapshot Macro Configuration Screen

Parameters (for Each Level)

Parameters are options that you can set to control the content or format of the macro output.

JQL is Jira Query Language. This is the native query language for Jira, and these macros use it directly when retrieving data from Jira.

New to JQL? We have put here Jira JQL cheat sheet some information to help you get started

Parameter name



Parameter description and accepted values

Parameter name



Parameter description and accepted values

Level type


Jira Issue

To learn more about Test Run Level type, read XRay Test Runs levels in Jira Snapshots .
This parameter is not available at the 1st level (as Test Run levels is not available at the first level)

Level title



A title for this level will be displayed above the column titles.

Search JQL



Refer to Jira Snapshots Filtering: Jira JQL extended with page properties and metadata

Add fields to display


Key, Summary

The list of Jira fields to display.

Use the widget just below the field to drag and reorganize the order of the columns in the level.

The list of available fields is specific to the Jira instance the snapshot is connected to. The list includes custom fields configured for this instance.

If integration with 3rd party apps is configured, such as Xray Test Management, then the list of fields here will also include fields available via the integration.